Airport Emergency Response Exercise
By Captain Michael Decker
May 3, 2014

On Saturday, May 3, 2014, the Purchase Fire Department participated in a full-scale emergency response exercise at the Westchester County Airport. This type of drill is conducted every two years. Multiple fire and emergency medical service agencies from the surrounding area responded to a simulated aircraft collision on the airport grounds. Volunteer actors and props gave the constructed scene the feel of a real disaster.

Fire departments worked alongside specialized Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting (ARFF) apparatus to extinguish simulated fires and extricate victims. EMS agencies simulated the transport of over 100 patients, who had been scattered across the field or trapped in the aircraft.

See the link below for Lohud coverage and photos.

Units: E240, R30, 2411, 2412
Mutual Aid: Various
Hyperlinks: Emergency response drill at the Westchester County Airport